Why JD's Academy of Dance Synergy
is the creation of the whole that is greater than the simple sum of its parts.
The term synergy comes from the Attic Greek word meaning "working together".
JDA was established in 1997. Since its beginnings it has grown from its sole creator, teaching classes in the Halkirk Community Hall to our Stettler location accommodating 2 classroom studios, certified and experienced instructors, and offering programs beyond the basics of Tap, Jazz and Ballet.
Synergy was chosen to join the established JDA name, as without the collaboration of ideas and the coming together of its ever growing dance community, JDA would not be where it is today. JDA is no longer just Miss Jaimie and her dancers.
Miss Jaimie welcomes the diversity and knowledge of instructors and professionals who have the same vision she has;
A place where children begin to dance.
Learn to self persevere and fulfill goals that were once just dreams.
Students who become team players, informal educators in sportsmanship and community ambassadors.
JDA strives to provide place where dancers are nourished in body, mind and soul.
A safe place surrounded by people who have like minded goals and genuinely care for their well being and growth.
A place where injury prevention is a priority.
Where acceptance is paramount.
A place that feels like home, with people who forever feel like safety.
JDA Synergy doesn't just teach dance lessons.
We help you build successful, responsible, incredible people.
Synergy is JD's Academy, Raw Talent, Alixa Flexibility, Acrobatic Arts, Progressing Ballet Technique, HoopLove, Dancesafe working together along with other diverse instructional programs to create a studio atmosphere that all dancers can benefit from, young and old.
Will you where "Dance and Love collide" ?